The Funeral Again

To the modern attention span, speak of Don Imus is ancient history, but the N-Word is still hot topic for many who still converse. And rightfully so; for even those who refuse to participate in the discussions would do a double-take if the word was used "out of place"(to be debated/defined). Nobody publicly takes the stance "Keep Nigga/er Alive". For those who live under rocks, and this is their first foray out into the open, the movement is to permanently end the use of the N-word. The opposition is, obviously, the racist, but more-so the millions of blacks in America who have semi-accepted the word as a term of endearment. Semi because if a white person said it, it returns to taboo. I, too, before Imus was a household name amongst blacks, vowed to ban it from my vocabulary, but due to many falls off the wagon, have redefined that "vow to ban" into an "attempt to cut down". I'm trying, alright people, so get off my back.
So why keep beating what to some is a dead horse? I'll tell you why: Because some question still await valid responses. Why is it OK for black people to use it but not white people? The obvious argument is that when a black person uses it, its not racist, but when a white person does, blah blah blah. Point noted. But realistically, if you advocate its use anytime, you have to accept it being used by everyone. I agree with Paul Mooney that the black man in America is the most imitated man in history, bar none. People just wanna be down, so if you claim "nigga" to have gone from hate term to everyday slang, you have to accept its use to bleed into everyday speech by everyone just like every other trend does. For God's sake, the word "Bling" is in the dictionary! And that is the rally cry that allows me to revisit my personal struggle with it. I don't want that word to be mainstream. I don't want Webster to define it other than for historical text. I don't want my white friends to ever use it nonchalantly, whether I'm there or not. I don't want to hear the valley kids on Laguna Beach or any MTV show using it, but if thing continue down the path they are going, it's only a matter of time before it happens. Asking a black person if its offensive for a white person to say it is absolutely rhetorical, so why can't those same people see it's the actual word, and not it's source that's offensive? From Detroit to Texas, people are holding mock funerals to drive the point of burying the word, but its not publicity stunts of a minority that will get it done, it has to be the collective will of the people in order to truly bury it. I have decided to do all I can to end it's usage. The question is, has Black America had enough to divorce from the term, or is the relationship so strong that it truly is "til death do us part"? Only time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2.8.07

    I don't understand why black people still say it's offensive even though they say it. I think it's hypocritical. I'm white, and I have lots of black friends. All of them use it, so why can't I say it if it's part of a song lyric or something? I say it's not a big deal.
